Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The new attack ad

If you think that Big Brother is a reality show, just move on now.

However, for those of you who know 1984, check out the recently released attack ad against Hillary Clinton.

Here's the original Mac ad from over two decades ago:

Do we buy Hillary as Big Brother, the voice of 'mindless conformity'?

I don't.

Yet, is the ad effective? Has it, by now, already been seen by tens of millions of Americans? Even if they don't get the reference, mustn't we concede that they may perhaps be influenced by ads like this?


The individual responsible for this ad has yet to come forward. How it can't be tracked, I don't know. I'd imagine the ties to Barack's campaign are closer than he'd like to let on - I hope not, but we'll see. It'll come out.

This is the future of attack ads - and, daisies aside (if you actually get the daisy reference, I admire you...most won't) the new attack ads are proving to be more captivating than ever.

We're in for one hell of an election season...

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The woman we'll hate no matter what

Hillary Clinton is doomed...and it's all our fault.

Our country seems desperate not for strong leadership, but for more of the same - someone “just like us.” On March fourteenth, the New York Times published The Really Real Hillary, a piece in which guest columnist Judith Warner attempts to analyze Senator Clinton's perceived shortcomings as a woman and the uphill battle she faces in appealing to the American public. Ms. Warner quotes Emily’s List president and founder Ellen Malcolm as saying that Hillary “will be a president of the United States who is like us,” a sentiment shared by literally tens of Americans. Though she attempts to skewer this notion, the fact that Ms. Warner and others continue to focus on likeability over competence only furthers to cement the likeability issue as one of prominent importance in the minds of American voters.

Listen up, people: you’re never going to have a Busch with Bush or a Corona with Clinton. Rudy Giuliani, Barack Obama and John McCain have no idea who you are, and they never will. Get over it. We aren’t electing our new best friend, but rather the person who is most qualified to lead our great country for the next four years.

Senator Clinton will continue to take considerable heat for not being the 'everywoman' as long as Americans are threatened by other words, permanently. Here is a woman who has achieved goals greater than most of us will ever reach, and that just doesn’t make us feel good about our own accomplishments. On some level, we don’t feel the need to 'compete' with John McCain or Barack Obama because there is still a lingering sentiment that some men are, if not predestined, at least hormonally equipped for extraordinary success. But how did Senator Clinton get to where she is now? Did she actually work harder than the rest of us? Did she sacrifice more? Is she - gasp - really smarter than we are?

It’s quite interesting to consider just how the Senator Clinton has been framed in the media. Like most Americans, I expected that a woman running for office would be subjected to criticism regarding her emotions: the old “she‘ll lose it once a month” crap. Uncontrolled emotions, though, aren’t something Senator Clinton is famous for (alleged lamp hurling aside…justified, if you ask me), and so our criticism must be redirected. We instead criticize her for being cold, heartless, and unable to connect with the soccer moms across the country. We say we want our nation’s president to be a strong, secure individual, yet it is those very things for which Senator Clinton comes under fire; I doubt that she’ll ever be able to live up to the image we project on her.

The issue of the double-bind isn’t new to Senator Clinton. In a 1995 interview with the Houston Chronicle, the then first lady admitted that she’d “come to accept the fact that it’s an inevitable double bind…no matter what I do…you’re bound to be criticized if you don’t fit some category, a stereotype that people wish to impose on you.” Sadly, twelve years later, she continues to struggle with the same problem. To be relatable, she must find the balance between being a woman and being a viable candidate for the highest office in the United States. In essence, she needs to appeal to a country of people who have already decided that they don't like her - personally.

The bottom line is that women who have achieved great success are held to a much higher level of personal accountability than are men with similar achievements. I really don’t know how Senator Clinton manages to keep it all in…I can only imagine the brief satisfaction that would be felt by yelling out, “You know what? I deserve what I’ve earned. I’ve worked harder, sacrificed more, achieved a level of greatness that most of you will never know…and guess what - I’m just plain smarter than you.” Luckily, Senator Clinton is far more restrained (and mature) than I.

In the end, smarts don’t seem to matter much when it comes to winning over the American public…maybe Hillary can have another cookie bakeoff instead. We’d eat that up.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cheney's Spirit of Strom Thurmond

Even death can't keep Strom Thurmond out of the news.

The former Republican Senator from South Carolina, a prominent opponent of desegregation and co-author of the Southern Manifesto, has been resurrected through reports detailing the shameful slave ownership of his ancestors.

While it's not news that the family once owned slaves, recent reports
tying a prominent African-American spiritual leader and social activist to the Thurmond family have given a face to what is terribly difficult for those of us never affected by the times to imagine. On February 25th, it was reported that Reverend Al Sharpton is a descendant of slaves owned by the Thurmond family, a revelation Reverend Sharpton referred to as “probably the most shocking thing in my life.”

Ahh, inequality in America. Due in part to Senator Barack Obama’s bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, the issue of race in America is clearly something we’ll be seeing more and more of in the months to come. In fact, even the accomplishments of Senator Obama are being overshadowed by a study indicating that his paternal ancestors were likely slave owners themselves. Receiving much less media attention is the fact that the same study also shows that Republican Senator John McCain and former Democratic Senator John Edwards, both 2008 Presidential hopefuls, are also descendants of slave owners.

Having owned slaves in any capacity is reprehensible; on this all civilized Americans will agree. Still, why the nearly exclusive focus on Senator Obama? The criticism leveled against Senator Obama is not only a smear campaign against an African-American who has an excellent shot of becoming America's first African-American president, but is also a way to lessen the guilt many whites feel about their own ancestral history. The fact that an African-American has ties not to slaves, but to slave owners, makes for a juicy soundbite. The “liberal media” needs to take a page from the Obama playbook and highlight the fact that while Obama’s paternal ancestors were far from perfect, they also broke the chain of racism in their own home, eventually raising a son who met, fell in love with and married a Kenyan student who would eventually go on to mother Senator Obama, a man who may well be President of the United States.

Any why, liberal media, with all the attention surrounding slave ownership, segregation and Strom Thurmond haven’t you been showing this picture?

That’s right, Vice President Dick Cheney chose to fly around the middle east in The Spirit of Strom Thurmond, a C-17 Globemaster that has been in use by the United States Air Force since 2002. How much common sense must one possess to demand, oh, I don't know - ANYTHING BUT THAT? I guess The Passion of James Earl Ray wasn't available.

Apparently Dick felt that The Spirit of Strom Thurmond would be less recognizable to terrorists than would Air Force Two. While this choice is clearly pathetic, it’s also unforgivable considering that this is the same politician who tries to convince the nation that any criticism of the ongoing war in Iraq “hurts our troops.” I’m supposed to believe that a man who would agree to fly in The Spirit of Strom Thurmond actually cares about the feelings of his fellow Americans? How must the thousands of African-Americans serving this country in Iraq feel about the fact that our nation’s second in command sees nothing wrong with flying in a plane named for a racist man who felt that blacks and whites were not to stand side by side?

What is wrong with our “liberal” media? A disgraceful action like this, had it been committed by a member of the Democratic party, would have been covered to no end in the form of talking points by every prominent pundit for the Republican party. Republicans are genius when it comes to talking points: they realize that you can’t get the base fired up over twelve different things every day, so they all work together, focusing entirely the same preselected points. This works not only to ensure that their issue-of-the-day will stay at the forefront, but also cements these preselected "outrages" in the minds of the Republican base. That kind of communication collaboration is brilliant, and speakers for the Democratic party would be well advised to get on board with the tactic.

The fact that Cheney sees nothing wrong with tooling around in The Spirit of Strom Thurmond further proves that there is no mainstream "liberal" media. Had Cheney actually thought otherwise, he never would have flown in a plane bearing such an offensive name. He was able to do so because he knew that his actions would receive minimal coverage from the mainstream media.

Democrats, it's up to us. We need to get on message - a shared message- and expose the current Republican leadership, and those who support it, as the pathetic, power-crazed egomaniacs that they are.